How to Aim


The most basic skill of Battlefield LIVE ( laser tag) is learning how to aim effectively.

The first thing to realise is that you have to hit the sensors to make hits, therefore you should aim at the sensors (either on the head or the gun).  

Even if you can see the gamer's head or part of the gun, you should in most cases hold fire until you can actually see the sensor.

Remember that shooting gives away your position and wastes ammunition so you really only want to shoot in most cases when your confident of making a hit. 

The exception to this is where you are trying to lay down suppressive fire. 

When you do start firing, especially with a long rifle with a large clip, its possible to create an area effect on the target by firing on fully automatic and creating a tight circle with your weapon. Simply move your rifle aim around the target area.

The result is that even if your target moves he/she is still likely to be hit.

If you are using a telescopic scope, the scope is mounted such as it is between 10-15 centimetres above the actual barrel. 

Each week we zero the scopes in to make sure that that scope and the lens assembly are in parallel so the sight is correct out to any distance.  

With telescopic scopes, you need to keep your eye steady and around 6 centimetres (varies from scope to scope) back from the back of the scope to see through it clearly.   

Too close or too far away and the vision will be black or very narrow. 

Using telescopic scopes effectively takes practice however they do allow very accurate fire at range. Everyone wants to be a sniper, but the reality is that the best snipers are a different breed of killing machine, well practiced and extremely cool under pressure. That's why they are called "Specialists"!

With Red Dot scopes, typically found on Spitfires, Scorpions, Cobras  and Commando’s you should make sure you can see the red dot in the scope and keep the red dot near the centre.  

You then put the red dot 5-10 centimetres above the targets sensor. 

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