Looking for a fun, easy Birthday Party idea? Battlefield LIVE Pennine parties are great for kids, teens and grown ups with action all the way! Even Grandparents often get involved too. The oldest ever player was in her 90's!!
Our army themed parties are suitable for anyone over 8 yrs (size and ability permitting), parents and siblings. There are absolutely no hidden extras, no extortionate prices, just good honest values and a whole bucketload of FUN
You always get what you pay for, which in our case is quality, enthusiasm and attention to detail, always! We are a family run firm, not a corporation, so we pride ourselves on reputation and always try to cater for your needs. If in doubt ASK!
With Battlefield LIVE Pennine parties, we will always try to find another similar group to play against. This is a team activity and the more players in the battle, the better the action. We will never book, for example, a stag party against juniors, even if it means losing a booking. This is why we do not offer online booking, just the best advice from the owners when you enquire.
We have some party packages designed to make it easy for you:
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